Top 5 Health Screenings for Women Over 50

Health Screenings for Women

As we age, there are essential health screenings for women we should do regularly. Proactively checking your body is one of several keys to living a full life with a good bill of health.

Prevention and early detection are vital to controlling potentially life-threatening illnesses, and, it is especially important to become more diligent with your doctor’s visits once you turn 50. Major illnesses tend to become apparent during that time of your life, and many can be treated early on when you are preemptive with your health management.

Top 5 Health Screenings for Women Over 50 -

5 Important Health Tests for Women:

Try these health exams for women so you can be more proactive with your health:

Top 5 Health Screenings for Women Over 50 - 1. Cancer screenings.

It is always better to catch cancer in its early stages. Preventative medicine is an important part of gaining and maintaining a positive quality of life. Breast cancer and cervical cancer are leading cancers that affect women over 50.

  • Having knowledge about your body’s health will provide you peace of mind because you’re gaining some control over your overall well-being.
  • Ask your doctor which cancer screenings you need.

2. Bone density scan.

In women, osteoporosis is a major cause of decreasing bone density that can result in broken and fractured bones.

  • Experts recommend that women over 50 should have their bone density levels tested every 2 years.
  • Regular amounts of calcium in your diet may not prevent the onset of osteoporosis. There comes a point in your life when your regular intake of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients may not be enough to satisfy the needs of your aging body.

3. Blood pressure.

Getting your blood pressure checked at least every six months will enable you to keep a handle on this important aspect of your health.

  • High blood pressure puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke. It roughens the walls of your arteries and makes your heart use extra effort for your body to maintain its functionality.
  • High blood pressure can impact your ability to concentrate or use your memory.
  • Use these suggestions to increase your control over your blood pressure: reduce your intake of sodium and caffeine, introduce or increase your exercise habits, and actively make an effort to reduce any mental stress in your life.
  • Reduce your mental stress with meditation, hypnosis, calming massage, personal time for prayer, or exercising to release emotionally beneficial endorphins.

4. Cholesterol.

The two types of cholesterol in your blood are LDL and HDL. For years, doctors have warned us against high LDL cholesterol, however, recent research shows us that there is more to it and that testing the level of LDL particle and not just the LDL cholesterol level is very important.

Imagine your bloodstream is like a highway. The lipoproteins are like cars that carry the cholesterol and fats around your body, and the cholesterol and fats are like passengers in the cars. Scientists used to believe that the number of passengers in the car (i.e. concentration of cholesterol in the LDL particle) is the driving factor in the development of heart disease. More recent studies, however, suggest that it’s the number of cars on the road (i.e. LDL particles) that matters most. ~From The Diet-Heart Myth: Why Everyone Should Know Their LDL Particle Number by Chris Kresser

5. Thyroid.

A thyroid that’s working too fast (hyperthyroid) or too slow (hypothyroid) can result in disproportionate hormone levels which can negatively impact your quality of life. Thyroid testing should be done regularly.

Be aware of women’s health screening especially when you turn 50. Early detection and intervention are important factors in aging gracefully.

Taking initiative against potential illnesses will give you peace of mind regarding your body’s state of being. Truly, knowledge is your own power! Feel empowered by gaining valuable insights about your health.