2 Simple and Easy Relaxation Exercises to Deal with Stress

Exercise to Deal with Stress

These two types of relaxation techniques are at your disposal if you feel stressed out. If you practice them regularly, you may find yourself more relaxed and better able to deal with your stress as a result. Because of the mind/body connection, exercises to relax the body will also flow through to the mind. This is why breathing and meditation are so effective for stress management.

2 Simple and Easy Relaxation Exercises to Deal with Stress - https://healthpositiveinfo.com/relaxation-exercises-for-stress.html

Much of the stress we feel is due to our resistance to certain feelings or emotions. Try to relax and let the feeling flow through you. In other words, accept them and allow them to be. Sometimes just by doing this, the feelings will tend to dissipate on their own. Find a quiet empty room for 5 to 20 minutes and silence your phone. Then try an exercise to deal with stress so your mind and body can rejuvenate.

Simple and Easy Exercise for Stress

(Breathing Exercises for Stress + Relaxation Exercises for Stress)

2 Simple and Easy Relaxation Exercises to Deal with Stress - https://healthpositiveinfo.com/relaxation-exercises-for-stress.html1. Breathing Exercises for Stress Relief


Do this exercise to deal with stress lying down if possible, arms by your side, and legs uncrossed. Loosen any tight clothing. If you can’t lie down, sit and make yourself as comfortable as possible. This exercise is meant to both calm and energize you.

Take a couple of deep breaths, roll your eyes up and let them close. Concentrate on the effects of your breathing on your body. As you breathe in, your stomach rises; as you breathe out, your stomach falls.

Be aware of the life energy in your body. As you breathe in, imagine this energy circulating throughout your body. As you breathe out, mentally say the affirmation word “peace” in your mind.

Thoughts will attempt to distract you. But rather than trying to force them out, acknowledge them, then imagine them just floating out of the back door of your mind. Go back to concentrating on your breathing.

Continue until you feel relaxed. Then, gently arouse yourself keeping the feeling of relaxation within you.

2. Relaxation Exercises for Stress Relief

You can do this one sitting or lying down. Loosen any tight clothing and make yourself comfortable.

Take a deep breath, hold for the count of three and exhale slowly. Repeat a couple of times.

Let your eyes close. Imagine lying on a deserted beach, you can hear the gentle waves breaking on the sand. In the distance, there is the sound of seagulls. The sun is shining on your left arm making it warm and heavy. Concentrate on how warm and heavy your left arm is feeling. Now the sun is moving over to your right arm and making that warm and heavy too. Go through the same procedure with your left and right leg, your head and neck and your stomach.


Finally focus on your whole body. Feel how warm and heavy your body is. Let your body sink down into the bed or chair.

Stay in this relaxed state for a few moments before gently arousing yourself. Take the calm relaxed feeling with you for the rest of your day.