8 House Plants That Actually Purify the Air

Indoor Plants that Purify the Air

A recent NASA study has revealed that certain indoor plants can actually detoxify the air.

The study was carried out in order to discover ways to remove dangerous bacteria from space stations. NASA worked with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America, and together their goal was to rid homes of toxic agents like benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde.

The research eventually revealed that several indoor plants that purify air can remove toxins and filter the air.

8 House Plants That Actually Purify the Air - https://healthpositiveinfo.com/8-house-plants-that-actually-purify-your-air.html

In order to get the best out of an indoor plant, the scientists from NASA and the ALCA recommend placing one potted plant per 100 square feet of a home. Not only can the leaves of a plant filter and renew the air, but microorganisms living within the soil can actually clean the air as well. While there are many indoor plants that are great for purifying the air, we have put together a list of the top 8.

Top/ Best Air Filtering Plants

(8 House Plants that Purify the Air)

8 House Plants That Actually Purify Your Air ~ https://healthpositiveinfo.com/8-house-plants-that-actually-purify-your-air.html

1. Aloe

Aloe has been used for thousands of years to treat irritated skin. It’s also an extremely easy plant to grow. A perfect place to keep a potted aloe plant would be on a kitchen windowsill. Daily watering and warm sunlight is enough for this plant to grow. Aloe clears the air of benzene and formaldehyde. Paint can cause these dangerous toxins to build up in a home over time, but aloe is scientifically proven to remove both of these agents from the air.

2. Spider Plant

This enduring plant earned its name from the way its leaves grow out. The spider plant requires little effort to grow, but it should not be neglected. Carbon monoxide, xylene, and benzene can be eliminated from a household with the aid of the spider plant. The ideal growing conditions for this plant would be in a cool corner of a basement that receives occasional sunlight. Spraying the leaves of this plant throughout the day is recommended as well.

3. Gerbera Daisy

The gerbera daisy is a beautiful flower that comes in a wide variety of bright colors. This plant is great for eliminating trichloroethylene and benzene. Aside from being a powerful air purifier, this flower is also pleasing to the eye. The gerbera daisy requires several hours of direct sunlight each day, and it grows best in a soil pot that is fitted with drainage holes.

4. Snake Plant

The snake plant is a powerful air purifier that removes formaldehyde with ease. This plant was named after its long and curvaceous leaves that can grow over a foot tall. What makes this plant even more incredible is that it actually releases oxygen during late hours of the night. Placing this plant in the corner of your bedroom can help to increase your own oxygen saturation levels.

5. Chrysanthemum

This beautiful and bright plant has several uses aside from being pleasant to look at. In fact, it’s one of the best purifiers of benzene, which is usually left behind from paint, rubber, and detergent. The chrysanthemum can be used for air filtration and decor. It’s available in almost any color, which makes it the perfect plant to match any room with. In order for this plant to grow, direct sunlight for several hours a day is required.

6. Ficus

This tall and beautiful plant makes a great fixture for living rooms and dining rooms. Ficus leaves are efficient at filtering trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, and benzene. Paint, carpet dander, and dust from furniture can cause these dangerous toxins to pollute the air. However, the tall and mighty ficus can help rid a room of all unhealthy agents. Of course, proper care is needed for the ficus to grow. This plant requires several hours of indirect sunlight to grow.

7. Azalea

The azalea is another beautiful flower that does more than just please the eye. This plant is a powerful eliminator of formaldehyde, and it also boosts oxygen levels as well. The azalea grows best in temperatures ranging from 60 to 70 degrees. Plant experts also encourage to place the azalea in a humid area of your home.

8. Chinese Evergreen


The Chinese evergreen is a self-surviving plant the requires little effort to grow. However, it does best in humid climates and cool temperatures. Nonetheless, the Chinese evergreen is great for filtering formaldehyde and benzene. The low maintenance of this plant makes it a favorite for homeowners.

Air pollution is a very serious problem that should be addressed. NASA and the ALCA are discovering natural and alternative ways to rid the air of dangerous toxins. Potted plants seem to be the best solution. They detoxify the air, increase oxygen levels, and add ambience to a room. Human’s may eventually discover a technological advancement in the future that can rid the air of all pollution, but for now, Mother Nature still knows best.