Why You Need to Try Dry Brushing

Why Is Dry Brushing Good for You

Okay, you might say: Throughout life I have used brushing as a routine part of healthy living. I brush my teeth, I brush my hair, and I also brush my dog’s fur, but dry brushing my skin? Really? The answer is, Yes, really.

Why You Need to Try Dry Brushing - https://healthpositiveinfo.com/why-you-need-to-try-dry-brushing.html

Why Dry Brush

Before we discuss why dry brushing is helpful, let us let you try following these instructions to see for yourself a little bit of why it is to be encouraged.

Benefits of Dry Brushing

(Dry Brushing Benefits – Health & Non-Health Advantages of Dry Brushing)

Why You Need to Try Dry Brushing ~ https://healthpositiveinfo.com/why-you-need-to-try-dry-brushing.html

1. Lymphatic Support

The lymphatic fluid flows through vessels just under the skin and has properties that aid in immunity, and daily brushing will maximize lymphatic function, resulting aid in natural detoxifying of the body.

2. Exfoliation

It is often very evident after one has dry brushed their skin for the first time, that as the dead skin cells are removed, the skin becomes much softer, and continuing the practice daily will remove old dead cells before a build up of the dry unhealthy skin is allowed to develop. There are other exfoliation products on the market but none as easy to do or as natural.

3. Clean Pores

The build up of oils, dirt and other residue is minimized by the practice of dry brushing. Again we remind you that dry brushing of the facial area, often the most prone to developing oily residue, should be avoided except with the help of a brush.

4. Cellulite

While there is lacking much documentation, on this, a number of individuals have written claims of marked success in removing cellulite. There are certainly no negative side effects to trying it if it is done properly and one’s cellulite issues may indeed disappear.

5. Increased Energy and Blood Flow

The daily brushing does seem to stimulate a rush of energy, as any increase in blood flow tends to do, and for this reason, it is often recommended as a morning activity.

6. Stress Relief

Some people who do dry brushing have found themselves very calmed by the brushing, saying it is comparable in effect to a light massage in relaxing frayed nerves, muscle tension etc.

7. Improved Digestion and Kidney Function

The relaxation induced by the massage-like effect of dry brushing has a favorable response on a deeper level with digestive organs and kidney function, since as the body is more relaxed there is no restricted, tension-induced indigestion.

Each individual must find their own best way to implement the program into their routine, and must simply find the brush and the proper scheduling that works best for them.

*Selecting Your Dry Brush

You should choose a natural dry brush, and it should probably have a long enough handle to reach your lower back as well as the back of your legs. For most people a brush that is at least somewhat firm is preferred to ensure it will have enough pressure for a desired neurological response. However, what feels invigorating for one individual may actually be painful for another if one is highly sensitive, so each person must seek their own preference here.

Many people prefer to have a dry brush without a handle as they just find it easier to use (with the exception of reaching your back).

Each person is likely to also wish to invest in a second brush, a very small one with less firm bristles for the face.


*How to Dry Brush

It is most common to perform the dry brushing before your shower, making it easiest for the removed dead skin cells to wash away right afterward.

1. Begin at the bottom of the feet, and using long smooth strokes, brush up the legs. Experts recommend 10 repetitions of each stroke. Where ever one is brushing, lymphatic flow is improved by brushing toward the heart rather than away from it.

2. Repeat the same process on the arms, beginning at the palms of the hands, and then stroking upward toward the shoulder, with 10 repetitions.

3. Using the same brush, and again with 10 repetitions, brush the abdomen, and then the back, always brushing toward the heart..

4. Using the smaller more delicate brush, proceed to brush the face. There are some who may prefer that even the abdomen and back be treated with the facial brush. One’s own level of tolerance is what matters the most.

Skin should pink up a little after brushing, but if it appears boldly reddened, you should make softer smoother strokes the next time, or use a new softer bristled brush.