9 Simple Exercise Routines to Fit into Your Busy Lifestyle

Exercise for Busy People

Are you thinking you don’t have the time to fit exercise into your busy lifestyle? Well, think again! Here are 9 simple exercises that are easy to do and, best of all, they don’t take much time.

New research shows us that interval training, specifically high intensity interval training (HIIT), is one of the best forms of exercise and can be done in a short amount of time. Additionally to doing intervals, many of the other exercises listed below can help you fit exercise into your busy lifestyle.

9 Simple Exercise Routines to Fit into Your Busy Lifestyle - https://healthpositiveinfo.com/simple-exercise-routines-busy-life.html

As always, be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen.

Exercise Routine for Busy Lifestyle

If you have no time to exercise, surely you can fit these fun, healthy exercises/ activities easily into your busy life:

9 Simple Exercise Routines to Fit into Your Busy Lifestyle - https://healthpositiveinfo.com/simple-exercise-routines-busy-life.html1. Jump rope intervals.

If you haven’t tried jumping rope lately, now is the time to give this fun and invigorating exercise a try.

Purchase a jump rope or fashion your own from any sturdy piece of rope. Jump for a minute, then engage in active recovery such as walking for 3 minutes. Repeat 3 – 4 more times for a complete interval workout.

2. Climb stairs.

Did you know that the staircase in your home or workplace is actually a mini-gym in disguise? Take advantage of this exercise opportunity whenever you have a few extra minutes to spare or, even better, use your stairs to do interval training in the same way described in #1 above.

Climbing stairs builds strength and gets your heart pumping.

3. Dance to the music.

Don’t be shy! Turn up your favorite music in your home and dance with abandon! Dancing is not only fun, but it’s also a terrific form of exercise. Professional dancers are fitter than many professional athletes!

4. Bounce on a mini trampoline.

No doubt about it, trampolines are just plain fun! Mini trampolines can be purchased at many chain stores, sporting goods stores, or online.

Pull out your trampoline and do interval training as described in #1 above – jumping for 1 minute, recovering for 3 minutes and repeating 3 – 4 times.

5. Quick calisthenics.

Everyone has, at one time or another, practiced calisthenics. Now is the time to remember those lunges, knee bends, and jumping jacks of days gone by! Finding just a few minutes here and there within your hectic day to practice one or more of these calisthenics exercise routines can make a big difference in your overall level of fitness.

6. Lift weights.

Many exercise routines neglect that all-important need to increase body strength. Using weights solves this problem.

Depending on your size and fitness level, choose the amount of weight appropriate for you. Start with the largest amount of weight you can safely handle.

7. Walk faster.

Will you be walking the dog later today? Or perhaps walking from your car into the grocery store? Picking up your walking speed will also increase your fitness level. Walking of any kind is always a good thing, but walking faster enhances the benefits you receive from it.

8. Practice balance.

Part of any healthy lifestyle is having good balance. The more you practice, the easier it is to maintain balance, not only in your exercise routine but also in your daily life. Practicing balance requires only a few minutes a day, and best of all, it can be practiced anywhere with no special equipment.

  • Stand a few feet from a wall or other supporting structure and raise one foot off the ground, placing that foot gently on your other ankle or calf. Maintain balance as long as you can. Repeat with the other foot.
  • With daily practice, you’ll notice a gradual increase in the amount of time you can keep your balance.
  • Balance is correlated with longevity.

9. Do Yoga.

Take a few minutes here and there to strike a yoga pose or do several sun salutations. The benefits of yoga are vast including both physical and emotional benefits!

By following just a few of these simple and quick exercise routines for busy people, you’ll be on your way to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Start now!